This post documents the process of self-hosting Gitpod (with a Community plan). There is also a Professional plan offering available at Please check it out.

One of the reasons I tried self-hosting Gitpod is to better understand its workspace orchestration & provision capability, which is hard to have a thorough understanding of, by just observing the user-space behavior. The widespread adoption of the Cloud is changing the Engineering Productivity landscape (which I’ve been working on), Gitpod demonstrates a path to a cloud-based development experience, which is fascinating to me. Also I need to setup a testbed to finish working on some PR for Gitpod’s OSS repository. So that’s how it began.

The underlying host machine I was using is a Tencent Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) with the SA2.2XLARGE16 specification, which is a standard model with balanced performance. The VM is an 8-core 16GB instance, and it supports a pay-as-you-go billing model. Note that Gitpod has a requirement on the Node’s Kernel version (≥ 5.4.0), so better choose Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS for OS Image.

Installation process

1. Cluster setup

To setup a Kubernetes cluster:

2. Install Cert-Manager & Configure DNS

The Certificate and Networking managements are well-known hard problems for software developers, even without the complexity of Kubernetes. I tried several approaches to avoid this particular rabbit hole, and later found out it’s better just to learn the necessary prior knowledge and follow the installation guide.

Some basic understanding I got:

Move on to the installation: